The Mike Myers Movie Club is a weekly Zoom meeting where we screen the filmography of Mike Myers alongside Q&A’s with crew members who have worked on the films in all levels of productions, such as production designers, cinematographers, actors, directors, and stunt coordinators. This started as a way to pass the time during quarantine, but it has become a small community of creative friends. 

The Mike Myers Movie Club recently invited Jack Gill to participate in a Q&A after their Zoom watch party of Austin Powers in Goldmember, which he second unit directed and stunt coordinated.

Jack discusses how he got into the stunt business, how he designed action scenes for Goldmember, Cat in the Hat, and Fast and Furious 5, his favorite stunt (scroll down to see it!), the difference between practical and visual effects, and his 20+ year battle with the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences to create an Oscar category for stunts.

Click here to sign the petition for a stunt Oscar

Click here for more information about the Mike Myers Movie Club
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